R J Cherry & Son are established and respected local farmers, growers and potato plant breeders in rural County Antrim Northern Ireland.
R J Cherry & Son run the farm environmentally friendly with a focus on reducing our carbon footprint. We produce electricity taking advantage of our wind turbine.

Pak Choi
Here on our Forttown farm in rural County Antrim, Northern Ireland can be found growing in tunnels a unique new wonderful product called Shanghai Pak Choi.

Seed Potatoes
R J Cherry & Son farmers and potato plant breeders have crossed pollinated new variety of seed potatoes at Carnlea Ballymena.

Beef Production
We specialise in Aberdeen Angus crossed with Stabiliser.
Pak Choi Health Benefits
Important health benefits that have been associated with consuming Pak Choi include its abilities to aid in healthy digestion. It is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium and dietary fibre.
If you would like to buy any of our produce or come and see it here at the farm, call us on 028 2568 5535.

Pak Choi Recipes
This wonderful vegetable proved itself to be so versatile that Good Food Ambassador celebrated chef and author Jenny Bristow began to use it in her Cookery Masterclasses around Northern Ireland.
Jenny Bristow has especially designed some recipes for Robin using the Pak Choi and they have been placed here on Robin’s website and also on Jenny’s.
RJ Cherry & Son
Forttown Farm
38 - 40 Carnlea Road
Co. Antrim
BT43 6TS
Northern Ireland
T: +44 (0)28 2568 5535
E: rjcherry@btconnect.com
An MCC Site